Feel Free To Fly Girls

Vinija S
1 min readApr 8, 2021

Dear high girl,

Let it all stereotypes flew away from the toxic society who blindly believes the irrational standards out there. You may be either someone who is tall, fair and attractive or you may be short, dusky and simple. That’s just a fact of our entity. The actual attributes are created by a human as well. It was originated just to identify someone irrespective of their name and later on it went out in different angle. It’s all about the perspective of a person. Is there any ordinance as if the person with these physical appearance can only associate or achieve something? Nah ! right. But still there are lots of girls / women feeling insecure about their outer-look was the biggest talk after a census regarding this issue. They felt worse about their own appearance after looking at social media pages of someone that they perceived to be more attractive than them. Every woman are beautiful, unique and attractive in their own way disregarding of the physical race. Remember one thing, make yourself a priority and start loving yourself more than others. Find your beauty in imperfections that makes you more perfect.

In love ,

with your imperfection.

